Brian's Mugshot

Brian Campassi

Software Developer

My Portfolio

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Blue Badge Project

This is an ASP.NET Web API group project where we created full CRUD for manipulating an n-tier architecture SQL datablase.

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Red Badge Project

Small Businss CRM Web App, with dynamic database table relationships, utilizing FullCalendar API, and pubished on Azure

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Static Store Front

In this project I used HTML, CSS, and Javascript to create a Static Store Front Website from scratch.


A simple smiley face created using only CSS


Another Creature made with CSS

Gold Badge

Various Console Apps each exploring different C# fundamentals.

About Me

I am so grateful to have found my passion for software development. I find the problem solving and puzzle-like aspect of coding so satisfying and fulfilling. I then feel inspired to build and create something new, something that did not exist before. I have never considered myself an artist nor do I play an instrument, but with code, I have discovered how to tap into my creative side which I never knew existed. Thank you to Eleven Fifty Academy, the instructors, learning assistants, and fellow classmates for helping me find my new path.


Please check out my resume. I may be a great fit to join your team.

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